
Juroku sasage (sixteen beans)

This yard-long bean variety is cultivated in Hashima City and Motosu City. It was named “Juroku (sixteen) sasage” presumably because it had 16 beans in a shell. This soft beans are resistant to high temperatures and dry climates and richly bear pods even in the peak of summer, so it is considered a precious vitamin source in the summertime when green vegetables are scarce. It is used for boiled green side dishes or salad with dressing.
○ Main cultivation area
Hashima City, Motosu City (former Itonuki Town)
○ Harvest period
Late June to September
Shops where you can eat treats, shops you can buy

Itonuki Farmers’ Market
Mitsuhashi, Motosu City

Address1044-1 Itonukigawa-dori, Mitsuhashi, Motosu City[Map
Phone Number058-323-6851
Opening Hour8:30~17:00
Holiday Year-end and New Year Holidays
Parking Capacity50 cars
Access Approx.40 minutes by car from Meishin Expressway "GIfu-Hashima IC"
It is a valuable vitamin source of summer, with a light taste.
”Juroku sasage (sixteen beans)”is named after the 16 beans in the pod. The shape is similar to that of kidney bean, but it is softer and more tasty than kidney bean.Therefore, it is recommended to boil it quickly and eat it with soy sauce. In addition, it is a very wide variety of dishes with sesame, put in a pot, fried, mixed rice.
<Messages from the Staff> Seasonal vegetables are prepared every season.
Please come visit us.

Tempura Hajime
Matamaruyanagi-machi, Gifu City

Address20-1 Matamaruyanagi-machi, Gifu City[Map
Phone Number058-234-1311
Opening Hour11:30~14:00(LO.)/17:30~20:30(LO.)
HolidayMonday night (or following night if a national holiday falls on Monday)
Parking Capacity22 cars
Access Approx. 15 minutes by car from Tokai-Kanjo Expressway "Ono-godo IC"
A refreshing flavor limited only to summer! Highly rare and popular "Juroku sasage tempura".
Soft vegetable, "Juroku sasage" is cooked very well with oils. "Juroku sasage tempura" fully brings out its rich taste and flavor. We make a knot of the vegetable's pod before deep-frying it to create our own dish.
Service periodFrom early July to late August
Please call us to confirm.
<Messages from the Staff> We serve tempura that lets you feel and enjoy the changing seasons.